
Available Instrumentation

Analytical Instrumentation

  • High Performance Liquid Chromatograpy (HPLC) – UV
  • Solid Phase Extraction system
  • Ion Chromatography (at the department)
  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (at the department)
  • Microwave acid digestion (at the department)
  • Sonicator
  • Microbalance (XP2U model, Mettler Toledo)

Particulate Monitors 

  • Dusttrak DRX Aerosol Monitor (Model 8533, TSI Inc.) – Two
  • Personal Aerosol Monitor (Sidepak AM520, TSI Inc.) – Three
  • Personal DataRAM Aerosol monitor (pDR-1500, Thermo Scientific) – Three
  • Grimms portable aerosol spectrometer (Durag) – One
  • Particulate Monitor (E-Sampler, MetOne) – One
  • Air Quality Monitor (Dylos DC1700) – Six
  • Purple Air Sensors – ~20
  • Blue Sky Monitor (TSI Inc.) – One
  • Indoor Air Quality Monitor (Air Assure-8144-6, TSI Inc.) – Three
  • Indoor Air Quality Monitor (Q-Trak 7585, TSI Inc.) – One
  • Air Particle Counter (GT-526S, MetOne) – One
  • Ultrafine particle counter (Nanoparticle Monitor, Naneos Partector 2) – Two
  • Black carbon monitors (MA200 and AE51, Aeth Labs) – Three

PM Samplers

  • PM particulate samplers (SKC PM2.5 and PM10 impactors and Leland Legacy Pumps) – Eight
  • PM particulate sampler (Tisch Low Volume Sampler and low volume calibrator) – One

Gas Monitors

  • Ozone monitor and ozone calibrator (Model 205 and Model 306, 2B Technologies)
  • NOx monitor (Model 405, 2B Technologies)
  • Indoor air quality meters (TPI 1010a)
  • Passive samplers (Ogawa) – ~120

Weather Monitors

  • Weather monitor (Davis Vantage)
  • HOBO – Four

Noise Monitors

  • Sound level meters (Model 831C, Larson Davis) – Two
  • Datalogging sound level meter (Model HD600, Extech) – One

Water Quality Monitors

  • Portable pH and Conductivity meter
  • Portable Colorimeter (Hach DR 900)

Research News



  • Ava Gjertsen and John Mologne are conducting a senior research project in Fall 2024.
  • Charles Sylvester is starting M.S. in Environmental Science – Thesis from Summer 2024.
  • Justin Staley was awarded VURF fellowship to work in Summer 2024.
  • JohnErnest Coppes, Ava Gjertsen, and Maria Lejandra Molina Funes are working in subway air quality research project during Summer 2024.
  • Sydney Singh. Senior Research Project. Spring 2024.
  • Suzy Walicki. Senior Research Project. Spring 2024.
  • Runze Tian. Senior Research Project. Spring 2024.
  • Eileen Mclaughlin. Senior Research Project. Spring 2024.
  • Emily Vanourny is selected for Freshman Match Program to work in spring 2024.
  • Sofia Rodriguez-Morell (Undergraduate Researcher). Spring 2024.
  • John Mologne (Undergraduate Researcher). Spring 2024.

Presentations (** Undergraduate Student; * Graduate Student)

  • **Walicki, S., Brady, C., Lugo, D., Esquivel-Cote, R., Goldsmith, S., Smith, D.J., McDermott-Levy, R., Shakya, K.M. Assessing soil lead contamination in Hispanic neighborhoods around Norristown, PA. National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Long Beach, CA, April 8-10, 2024. Abstract accepted.
  • Shakya, K.M. (as tour speaker). Society of Environmental Journalists, Philadelphia, PA. April 4, 2024.
  •  *Karim, A.S., **Malone, M., **Bruno, A., Eggler, A., Posner, M., Shakya, K.M. Exposure to particulate matter in the Philadelphia subway. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, January 28 – February, 1, 2024.
  • Marco-Bujosa, L., *Feldman, H., Goldsmith, S., Shakya, K., Boschi, V., Lepkowski, J., and Smith, N. Empowering urban high school students in geoscience through school-based instructional modules: “It’s like they’re the trees and we’re the fungi”. American Educational Research Association. 2024 Annual Meeting. April 11-14, 2024. Philadelphia, PA (Scheduled).

Publications (** Undergraduate Student; * Graduate Student)




  • Aly Booth was selected as a Freshman Match and worked as research assistant during spring 2023.
  • Anjum Karim successfully defended M.S. thesis proposal in spring 2023.
  • Bryan Terry successfully defended M.S. thesis in spring 2023.
  • Becca McDonough presented Senior Thesis in spring 2023.
  • Nate Roman and Meriem Cherqaoui presented senior research project in spring 2023.
  • Brent Jenkins, Runze Tian, Suzy Walicki, and Blake Tran (Carleton College) worked as research assistant during summer 2023.
  • Alex Bruno presented his senior research project in fall 2023.

Presentations (** Undergraduate Student; * Graduate Student)

  • Shakya, K.M., **Jenkins, B., **Tian, R., Eggler, A., *Karim, A.S. Effect of a major wildfire event in air quality of suburban Philadelphia region. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 11-15, 2023. San Francisco, CA
  • **Tran, B., Shakya, K. Heavy metal contamination in soil of Philadelphia play areas. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 11-15, 2023. San Francisco, CA
  • *Karim, A.S., **Malone, M., **Bruno, A., Eggler, A., Posner, M., Shakya, K.M. Exposure to particulate matter in the Philadelphia subway. Villanova University Graduate Research Symposium. October 27, 2023.
  • **Tian, R., **Jenkins, B., *Karim, A., Eggler, A., Shakya, K.M. Health risk assessment of PM2.5 exposure at Philadelphia subway stations.  Villanova University Undergraduate Research Symposium. November 10, 2023.
  • **Jenkins, B., **Tian, R., *Karim, A., Eggler, A., Shakya, K.M. Variability of Particulate Matter in Philadelphia Subway Stations. Villanova University Undergraduate Research Symposium. November 10, 2023.
  • **Walicki, S., Brady, C., Lugo, D., Esquivel-Cote, R., Goldsmith, S.T., Smith, D.J., McDermott-Levy, R., Shakya, K.M. Assessing soil lead contamination in hispanic neighborhoods around Norristown, PA. Villanova University Undergraduate Research Symposium. November 10, 2023.
  • **Singh, S., **Droege, A., **Mander, A., *Feldman, H., Goldsmith, S., Shakya, K., Boschi, V., Marco-Bujosa, L. Exposing underrepresented minority groups at Walter B. Saul High School to Geosciences through the Villanova Environmental Geochemistry Summer Institute (VEGSI). Villanova University Undergraduate Research Symposium. November 10, 2023.
  • CCATE Environmental Justice Circle, Rosalba Esquivel-Cote, Diana Lugo, Caitlin Brady, Daniel Smith, Serena Matos, Jocelyn Zavala-Garcia, Kabindra Shakya, Steven Goldsmith, & Ruth McDermott-Levy. Establishment of a community-based participatory research program to assess community lead exposure risk. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo. November 12-15, 2023. Atlanta, GA.
  • **Walicki, S., Brady, C., Lugo, D., Esquivel-Cote, R., Goldsmith, S.T., Smith, D.J., McDermott-Levy, R., Shakya, K.M. Assessing soil lead contamination in hispanic neighborhoods around Norristown, PA. The Geological Society of America. October 15-18, 2023 , Pittsburgh, PA.
  • *Feldman, H.Z., Shakya, K.M., Boschi, V.L., Maco-Bujosa, L.M., Lepkowski, J., Smith, N., Goldsmith, S.T. An immersive urban environmental geochemistry research experience at the high school level as pathway to the geosciences. The Geological Society of America. October 15-18, 2023 , Pittsburgh, PA.
  • *Karim, A.S., **Malone, M., **Bruno, A., Eggler, A., Posner, M., Shakya, K.M. Exposure to particulate matter in the Philadelphia subway. 104th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, January 28 – February 1, 2024.
  • Shakya, K.M. and Matthew VanKouWenberg. Air Pollution Monitoring and Environmental Justice: A High School and University Partnership. Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators Annual Conference. March 12-14, 2023, Halifax, PA.
  • Shakya, K.M., Kremer, P., **Gaughan, M., **Carino, H., **Bohra, C. Association of air pollutants with land use classes in the Philadelphia region. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. March 23-27, 2023, Denver, CO.
  • **Scolio, M., Kremer, P., Shakya, K., Zhang, Y. Spatial-temporal modeling of the relationship between surface temperature and air temperature in Metropolitan urban systems. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. March 23-27, 2023, Denver, CO.
  • **Gaughan, M., Kremer, P., Shakya, K. Assocation of ambient particulate matter with near-road land-use and zoning in Philadelphia, PA. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. March 23-27, 2023, Denver, CO.

Publications (** Undergraduate Student; * Graduate Student)


    • Overbook Breathe Right Community Air Monitoring Project. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Total: US$333,121 (Subaward: US$130,529).



    • Gave a public talk titled ‘An overview of air quality in the greater Philadelphia region. Center for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Stewardship (CBEST), Villanova University. 8/16/2023.
    • Gave a public talk on local air pollution prior to screening of Movie: Godzilla vs. Hedorah. Science on Screen. County Theater, Doylestown, PA. 4/19/2023.



  • Shakya, K.M. (Co-PI) was awarded a grant from National Science Foundation in collaboration with Dr. Frank Klassner, Dr. Virginia Smith, and Dr. Lisa Marco-Bujosa. 2022-2025.
  • Shakya, K.M. (PI), Goldsmith, S., Smith, D., McDermott-Levy, R. was awarded VERITAS grant from Villanova University. 2022-2023
  • Shakya, K.M. was awarded VITAL Minigrant from Villanova University.
  • Shakya, K.M. was awarded environmental education grant from Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
  • Maeve Malone was awarded Villanova University Research Fellows (VURF). Summer 2022.
  • Bryan Terry was awarded Villanova University Graduate Summer Research Fellowship. Summer 2022.


  • Olivia Bassetti defended two semester senior thesis research project titled Heavy Metal Concentrations In Community Garden Soils in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Spring 2022.
  • Maeve Malone and Sydney Singh were selected for a Freshman Match Program.
  • Alex Bruno, Syndey Eng, and Caryn Hong worked in NIH funded project in Summer 2022 (In collaboration with Dr. Aimee Eggler).
  • Hailey Carino and Megan Gaughan worked for NSF funded project in Summer 2022 (In collaboration with Dr. Peleg Kremer).
  • Graduate student Anjum Karim started M.S. in Environmental Science.
  • Undergradaute student Elizabeth York joined the lab.

Presentations (** Undergraduate student; * Graduate student)

  • *Terry, B., Shakya, K., Kremer, P. Land use regression model for predicting nitrogen dioxide in the greater Philadelphia area. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Chicago, IL. December 12-16, 2022.
  • **Bruno, A., **Malone, M., Shakya, K.M., Eggler, A. Exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 at Philadelphia underground subway. Villanova Undergraduate Symposium. November 11, 2022. Poster Presentation.
  • **Malone, M., **Bruno, A., Shakya, K.M., Eggler, A. Exposure of ultrafine particles in Philadelphia subway. Villanova Undergraduate Symposium. November 11, 2022. Poster Presentation.
    • Invited to present at the BIG EAST undergraduate research symposium at Madison Square Garden in New York.
  • **Hong, C., Shakya, K.M., Eggler, A. The cellular effects of particulate matter (PM) from Philadelphia subway on human lung cells. Villanova Undergraduate Symposium. November 11, 2022. Poster Presentation.
  • **Brown, L., Shakya, K.M. Effects of road environments and ventilation settings on in-cabin air quality. Villanova Undergraduate Symposium. November 11, 2022. Poster Presentation.
  • Marco-Bujosa, L., Goldsmith, S., Shakya, K.M., Boschi, V. GeoPATHS: A high school intervention to promote urban environmental justice. North American Association of Environmental Education Annual Conference. October 12-15, 2022. Poster Presentation.
  • Shakya, K.M. Children’s indoor exposure to air pollutants at Hispanic Households. International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal. September 25 – 29, 2022. Platform Presentation.
  • *Terry, B., **Singh, S., Shakya, K.M. Utilizing Citizen Science to Assess Air Pollution for an Environmental Justice Community. Citizen Science Association Virtual Conference. May 23, 2022. Poster Presentation.
  • **Bassetti, O., **McDonough, R., Shakya, K.M. Heavy metal concentrations in community garden soil in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sigma XI Student Research Symposium, Villanova University. April 1, 2022.
  • **Bassetti, O., **McDonough, R., Shakya, K.M. Heavy metal concentrations in community garden soil in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, February 25 – March 1, 2022.
  • Kremer, P., **Gaughan, M., Shakya, K.M., **Bohra, C., *Cummings, L. Association of air pollution with near-road land use in Philadelphia, PA. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, February 25 – March 1, 2022.
  • Shakya, K.M. Engaging Hispanic community in Norristown for Environmental Education. Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators Virtual Conference, March 21-22, 2022.



  • Hailey Carino was awarded Villanova University Research Fellows (VURF). Summer 2021.
  • Shakya, K.M. was awarded a grant from Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Summer 2021.  
  • Shakya, K.M. (Co-PI) was awarded a grant from National Science Foundation in collaboration with Dr. Steven Goldsmith, Dr. Vanessa Boschi, and Dr. Lisa Marco-Bujosa. 2021-2024.
  • Shakya, K.M. (Lead-PI) was awarded a grant from National Institutes of Health in collaboration with Drs. Aimee Eggler and Michael Posner. 2021-2024.


  • Bryan Terry joined the research group to complete M.S. in Environmental Science.
  • Olivia Bassetti started a senior thesis.
  • Bridget Dalton completed a senior research project.
  • Charlotte Bohra, Megan Gaughan, and Lucas Cummings spent summer 2021 collecting air and noise pollution data around Philadelphia region. 
  • Hailey Carino completed Freshman Match Program in Spring 2021 and VURF in Summer 2021.
  • Kathryn Scotto worked during spring and summer 2021.
  • Bridget Dalton and Victorial Hamilton worked during spring 2021.

Publications(** Undergraduate student; * Graduate student)

Presentations (** Undergraduate student; * Graduate student)

  • Shakya, K.M., Kremer, P., *Cummings, L., **Bohra, C., **Gaughan, M. Mobile monitoring of air pollution along urban-suburban corridor in the Philadelphia metro region. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. December 13-17, 2021.
  • **Carino, H., **Walsh, S., Shakya, K.M. Particulate matter trends in the Philadelphia region from 1986-2020. Villanova University Student Research Symposium. November 12, 2021.
  • **Scotto, K., Shakya, K.M. Assessing indoor exposure of nitrogen oxides in children in Hispanic households. Villanova University Student Research Symposium. November 12, 2021.
  • **Bohra, C., **Gaughan, M., *Cummings, L., Kremer, P., Shakya, K.M. Comparing air quality at four different colleges in the greater Philadelphia region. Villanova University Student Research Symposium. November 12, 2021.
  • **Gaughan, M., **Bohra, C., *Cummings, L., Kremer, P., Shakya, K.M. Association of air pollution with near-road zoning classifications in Philadelphia, PA. Villanova University Student Research Symposium. November 12, 2021.
  • **Scotto, K., Shakya, K.M. (2021). Assessing indoor exposure of nitrogen oxides in children in Hispanic households. International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting. Virtual Experience. August 30-September 2, 2021.
  • **Dalton, B., **Hamilton, V., Shakya, K.M. (2021). Assessment of environmental education and environmental health among middle/high school students in the Philadelphia Area. 2021 Virtual Community and Public Health Conference: Emerging Public Health Issues. A Virtual Conference. Pennsylvania Public Health Association. April 8-9, 2021.   
  • *Cummings, L., *Stewart, J., *Reist, R., Kremer, P., Shakya, K.M. (2021). The Structure of Philadelphia’s Urban Landscape and its Association with Variation in Air Pollution. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting. April 7-11, 2021. 
  • Shakya, K.M. (2021). Engaging middle and high school students for environmental education. Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators Annual Conference, Virtual Conference. March 22-23, 2021.
  • **Scolio, M., Ruth McDermott-Levy, R., Shakya, K., Moore, C.H. (2021). Climate Change Related Mortality in the United States: A Systematic Review. 3rd Annual Clinical Climate Change Conference: Improving Patient Outcomes in the Dual Crises of Climate Change and COVID-19, Icanh School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York City, NY.



  • Shakya, K.M. “Children’s indoor exposure to air pollutants at Philadelphia homes”. Villanova University Summer Grant Program. Summer 2020.
  • Shakya, K.M. “Engaging high-school and undergraduate students to investigate local environmental problems”. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Summer 2020.  
  • Madeline Scolio was awarded Villanova University Research Fellows (VURF). Summer 2020. (collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ruth McDermott-Levy).


  • Justin Stewart successfully defended his graduate thesis and published the paper before the defense date in ‘Science of Total Environment’.
  •  Xuehai Yu successfully presented graduate final capstone project. 
  • Jayne Hickey and Meghan Conway presented senior research projects. 
  • Alex Saad defended two semester senior thesis research project.

Publications (** Undergraduate student; * Graduate student)

Presentations (** Undergraduate student; * Graduate student)

  • Shakya, K.M., Peltier, R.E., Shrestha, P.  Understaning air pollution in Kathmandu. 2nd NRN Global Knowledge Convention. Virtual Conference. October 9-11, 2020.
  • Shakya, M., Smith, V., Shakya, K.M., Read, V. Influence of the Land Cover Change on Geomorphic Alteration of Bishnumati River in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. 2nd NRN Global Knowledge Convention. Virtual Conference. October 9-11, 2020.  
  • Shakya, K.M., **Hickey, J., Goldsmith, S., **Enes, T. Promoting STEM education at Philadelphia schools through participatory exposure science. International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting 2020. September 21-22, 2020.
  • *Stewart, J.D., Kremer, P., Shakya, K.M., *Reist, R., **Conway, M. Outdoor Atmospheric Microbial Diversity is Associated with Three-Dimensional Urban Structure and Differs from Indoor Transit systems. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Virtual Conference.  July 17, 2020.
  • *Cummings, L., *Stewart, J.D., *Reist, R., Shakya, K.M., Kremer, P. Spatial distribution of air pollution in Philadelphia and its relationship with land cover and urban structure. Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Virtual Conference. July 17, 2020. 




  • Shakya, K.M. Citizen Science. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection [$24,530]
  • Saad, A. Villanova University Research Fellows (VURF). Summer 2019
  • Curren, G. Villanova University Research Fellows (VURF). Summer 2019


  • Kyle Kellenbenz presented senior research project. Fall 2019.
  • Victoria Read presented senior research project. Spring 2019.

Presentations (** Undergraduate student; * Graduate student)

  • *Stewart, J., Shakya, K.M., Ravi, S., Wilson, J., Choi, C.S. PM2.5 chemical and microbiological community composition and structure at suburban and urban sites in the greater Philadelphia, Pennsylvania region. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
  • Shakya, K.M., Kremer, P, **Conway, M., *Reist, R., *Stewart, J. Fine scale spatial measurement of air pollution exposure in Philadelphia using mobile monitoring. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California. December 9-13, 2019.
  • *Stewart, J., *Cummings, L., Shakya, K., Kremer, P. County-Wide Mobile Monitoring of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and the Atmospheric Microbiome. Temple University GIS Day. November 13, 2019.
  • **Conway, M., *Stewart, J., Shakya, K.M., Kremer, P. Social vulnerability, health outcomes and air pollution in Philadelphia. Undergraduate Research Symposium. Villanova University. September 13, 2019.
  • **Saad, A., Shakya, K.M. Monitoring indoor air quality inside subway cars in Philadelphia, PA. Undergraduate Research Symposium. Villanova University. September 13, 2019.
  • Shakya, K.M., **Saad, A., **Aharonian, A. Air pollution exposure at Philadelphia subway stations. Joint meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Kaunas, Lithuania. August 18-22, 2019.
  • **Conway, M., **Curren, G., **Papotto, J., Kremer, P., Shakya, K. Air quality on Villanova’s campus during the springs of 2017 and 2019. Sigma Xi Annual Research Symposium. Villanova University. April 26, 2019.
  • **Garmer, K., Shakya, K., Weston, N., **Scheuring, E. Assessment of drinking water quality in plastic bottled water. Sigma Xi Annual Research Symposium. Villanova University. April 26, 2019.

Publications (** Undergraduate student; * Graduate student)

  • Shakya, K.M., Kremer, P., **Henderson, K., **McMahon, M., Peltier, P.E., **Bromberg, S., *Stewart, J. (2019). Mobile monitoring of air and noise pollution in Philadelphia neighborhoods during Summer 2017. Environmental Pollution, 255, 113195.
  • Shakya, K.M., Peltier, R.E., Zhang, Y., Pandey, B.D. (2019). Roadside exposure and inflammation biomarkers among a cohort of traffic police in Kathmandu, Nepal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(377). doi: 10.3390/ijerph16030377.



Kremer, P. and Shakya, K.M. The Multi-dimensional structure of urban landsccapes and the supply and distribution of ecoystem services. National Science Foundation [$200,007]


  • Juliette Foley presented a senior research project in Fall 2018.
  • Alex Aharonian presented a senior research project in Spring 2018.
  • Meghan McMahon defended her two-semester senior thesis research project. Spring 2018.

Presentations (** Undergraduate student; * Graduate student)

  • Kremer, P., Shakya, K., **Henderson, K., **McMahon, M., **Bromberg, S. Spatial variability of air pollution in Philadelphia during summer 2017. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting at New Orleans, LA. April 10-14, 2018.
  • **McMahon, M., Shakya, K.M. Particulate matter patterns in suburban Philadelphia. SIGMA XI Student Research Poster Symposium. Villanova University. April 27, 2018.
  • *Jarvis, T., Shakya, K., **Conway, M. Using Arduino air sensors to create STEM interest in Under-represented populations. Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018). Ottawa, Canada. 26-30, 2018.
  • Oluaderounmu, O.M., Koski, J.N., Shakya, K., Greenfield, B.K. Elevated particulate matter and noise exposure for spectators at outdoor motorsport events. Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018). Ottawa, Canada. August 26-30, 2018.
  • Shakya, K.M., Kremer, P., **McMahon, M., **Henderson, K., **Bromberg, S., Peltier, R. Mobile monitoring of air pollution in Philadelphia neighborhoods. Platform presentation at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C. December 10-14, 2018.


Presentations (** Undergraduate student)

  • Shakya, K.M., Peltier, R.E., Zhang Y., Pandey, B.D. Assessment of health effects of particulate pollution among traffic police in Kathmandu, Nepal using biomarkers. International Society of Exposure Meeting 2017 Annual Meeting, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. October 15-19, 2017.
  • **McMohan M., Shakya, K.M. ‘Air Quality Patterns in Northern Philadelphia during Summer 2017’. Villanova Undergraduate Research Symposium on September 8, 2017.
  • **Henderson, K. ‘Fine-Scale Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’. Villanova Undergraduate Research Symposium on September 8, 2017.


  • Shakya, K., Kremer, P. “Spatial Variability of Air Pollution in Philadelphia”. Villanova University Summer Grant Program. Summer 2017.